Control & Coordination


The control and coordination department is made up of four (4) services divided by the type of service provided to the student and each service has a section at the level of the university residences.

This service takes care of everything related to student accommodation:
  • Reception and acceptance of accommodation requests until giving a room to the student
  • Control the state of the rooms and the number of students in the room.
  • Monitor the living conditions of the student in the student halls of residence (security, water, electricity, etc.)
  • Maintenance of rooms and affiliated health facilities and maintenance of cleanliness of residences.
  • Make magnetic cards and track their use when entering residences.
  • Collect statistics that concern all aspects of hosting services in order to use them in the preparation of accommodation plans for the next few years.
This service is considered one of the most important services of the Department of Monitoring and Coordination as it relates to the most important service in the academic sector and the most difficult to control. It is the department responsible for providing sanitary meals to students and is responsible for:
  • Receive, review and accept restoration requests
  • Make restoration cards and track its use with tickets when getting meals.
  • Serve seasonal meals under the consultation of doctors, technicians and supervisors.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of kitchens and restaurants and supply them with food products, ensuring their quality and quantity.
  • Create committees for the reception and supervision of articles, especially sensitive products such as meat, milk and its derivatives, fish and vinegar; these products are only received after receiving veterinary certificates and certificates of analysis.
  • Monitor the financial status of restaurants daily and monthly.
This is the service responsible for university transport between university residences and higher education establishments. Its functions:
  • Prepare the transport schedule (departure and stop times of university transport buses)
  • Specify transport lines and stopping stations.
  • The optimal distribution of buses between residences (depending on the number of students at the residence)
  • Supervise bus drivers that they respect the timetable and transport lines.
  • Take care of the buses and follow their technical monitoring.
  • Follow the payment of the annual subscription form and the use of the transport card.
  • Place guards at stops.
  • Provide the sufficient number of buses with all necessary gasoline and spare parts.
Trying to develop the cultural and sporting talents of the students, the directorate puts at the service of the student several sports and cultural facilities to practice their hobbies.
  • Provide cultural structures and facilities such as exhibition halls, theatres, libraries, clubs, Internet rooms, etc.

  • Provide venues and play areas for sports activities, in addition to coaches

  • Elaboration and monitoring of cultural and scientific activities (concerts, plays, media days, etc.)

  • Organize and coordinate sports classes for the benefit of students and workers between state residences and even with other states

Preparing the accommodation strategy
Prepare the accommodation strategy by reconciling the volume of accommodation requests with the capacity of residences and accommodation units.
Agent Services Monitoring
Monitor the service provided by service agents.
Coordination between university residences
The coordination between the university residences in the exploitation of the resources and the means available as well as in providing the various university services.
All department functions


The Department of Supervision and Coordination is primarily responsible to the Directorate for the supervision of the management of residences and their provision of better quality of service. This department is the link between the administration of university residences and the directorate; it is responsible for:

Preparation and follow-up of the update of the restoration strategy
Prepare and monitor the updated food strategy to ensure adequate food supply and a good quality of service.
Preparation of the program of cultural activities
Prepare the program of cultural and sports activities and follow its implementation.
Take care of the properties of the university services directorate
Take care of the properties of the university services directorate.
Drawing up the coordination and control program
Draw up the coordination and control program to ensure the strict application of laws and the fight against all illegal behavior that may come from students or others.